Connecting the Dots – Leadership + Training

Authoritative. That’s the name for my leadership style. I took a test. Understandably this makes me sound like a dictator without regard to the many nuances surrounding leadership and people. But I’m not. What I am is someone who typically sticks with a decision because I’ve already done my due diligence in gathering the facts and evaluating my/other’s opinion. Rarely do I question my “why” – I’m well aware of the reason I do things.

credit: Anna Tarazevich via Pexels

As my dad and I were recently talking on the phone, he mentioned speaking with a neighbor’s college-aged daughter who was struggling with sticking with her decisions to attend a university while working. He said she had a decision to make about accepting a job with higher pay and responsibility or remaining with a lower paying job/less responsibility. After we hung up, I started thinking back to times when I was in similar situations. My attitude has always been go after what you want. Sometimes to my detriment. The following day, before sunup, as my feet pounded the pavement, I wondered if I ever question why I run. When the internal answer was a solid no, I let my mind wander to other parts of my life and their respective why. Why do I subscribe to a certain faith? Why do I want to go back to college? Why is it important to have drive?

Only I can answer these questions. My why is just that – mine. Furthermore, I really can’t recall more than two times when I questioned my why. I know why I do the things I do and/or why I’ve made a certain decision. Mostly. But I’m committed to it.

All this to say my run streak lasted two weeks. It took a few days for me to realize (accept) the signs of overtraining. You know – resting heart rate in the sustained fight or flight stage, utter exhaustion, alternately feeling famished then zero appetite. I wanted to chalk it all up to a really terrible menstrual cycle, but it became clear there was more to it. Sadly, my stubbornness….read: authoritative…style just wouldn’t give up. I had a goal. I must reach goal. Nothing stands in my way. Until it does. Certainly this is the same mindset that kept me running last year past an injury. It has its moments. Nonetheless there’s always something new to be learned. Running is a privilege; I get to run. Tomorrow is not promised.

For now, I’ll continue chipping away at the 10k plan I’ve almost completed. With its manageable 3 runs/week, I’m able to strength train 4-5 days/week and I enjoy it. But two a days just weren’t in the cards for me. I must remember plans are in place to keep us on track; not necessarily to be capitalized upon. Just because we can make it better doesn’t mean we have to right then or at all.

Now I’m going to find someone to boss around…seeing as I have extra time on my hands.


I ask you –

What is your leadership style?

How often do you reevaluate goals?

Overtraining: if you’ve experienced this, tell me what it looked like for you.

Creature of Habit

Quick catch up –

As I seem to enjoy doing everything obsessively and excessively, nearly one year ago I made a decision to floss my teeth after every meal. Honestly, it wasn’t to ensure oral hygiene but a test to find out if it really makes a difference. I understand I had no true scientific parameters – control group, etc. – but I did it my way anyway. At my last exam approximately 6 months ago, the dental hygienist assured me she could tell a huge difference. This week I have another dentist appt so we’ll see. You can always find out where I am or have been by the floss that follows me. There are no less than 2 floss packages everywhere I go.

3 years doing what I love! Cookies! But, really, I love writing so much. I wish this was my job. For now, though, this is a hobby and I’ll keep writing as long as you keep reading!

Another example of obsessive and excessive – the run streak! Runner’s World hosts a run streak challenge each year immediately after Memorial Day and through July 4th. Since I’m a sucker for a good month of punishment, ta-da. Allow me to take it one step further. I’m mentally committed to running daily until August. It’s just a fun (my fun) way of filling the days until mini returns. So far, so good. Again, because I will never get tired of sharing this, the previous physical therapy sessions are my saving grace. My knee, hamstrings, and entire body feel incredibly strong. What a difference strength, flexibility, and mobility training can have when you’re expecting your body to “perform” every single day.

I’ll leave you with the above image. After posting it, I received some interesting feedback. The best was from my friend Jason who stated he thought my underwear were around my knees and I was peeing in the driveway. Other comments were unsure exactly what I was doing but it also looked questionable, as well as the thought maybe I was praying or having a moment of silence. To be clear, this is one of my many exercise bands I use for hip and knee strengthening. They’re amazing.

No word yet on what the neighbors might have been thinking. Hopefully everyone was still asleep.


I ask you –

How long have you been blogging?

In what areas of your life are you obsessive and excessive?

Floss – yay or nay?

Summer Planning

With an impending TN summer on the horizon for mini, I need to find things to do with my time. Things that don’t include cleaning or working.

  1. Read all the books
  2. Create a photo album of mini’s 2021 summer vacation photos + kindergarten photos
  3. Organize mini’s massive amount of outgrown clothing
  4. Write copious amounts of blog posts to make up for all the times I’m scrambling on Sundays.
  5. Do nothing until approximately 24 hrs before mini returns, then frantically attempt to complete the above list.

All jokes aside. I sort of got a headstart on #1. Morgan from Oregon (soon to be known as just Morgan) gifted me this fantastic set of books by author Sarah Centrella. Her writing style is fun yet also very real. No spoilers from me. I love workbook-style books, too, so these are perfect for me. As I received my performance appraisal a short time ago, the final question was “What does Kelly see in her 10 year plan?” Can we just make it through today?! Luckily, I had already begun working through the guide for th we books so I was able to answer in the best way possible. “Let me get back to you!” No, I didn’t say that. For the most part.

a gift!

Broken record alert! Considering another run streak. Just to have a summer goal. Maybe June-July? One easy mile/day. More if I feel up to it. Obviously it would mostly all be treadmill miles because Texas summer is similar to the pits of hell. Pretty sure I’m right. The 5 day break we got from the heat was most appreciated, but don’t anticipate it happening again until…oh… probably November. Just something to consider. …the running. Not the heat. It stays. Moving on!

Short of registering for another degree and finishing up a book, I don’t know exactly what I want to accomplish this summer. Since those are revolving projects, best I stay the course. Hello, library!


I ask you –

What are your summer plans?

Do you like self-help type books? If not, what is your favorite genre?

Vote yes or absolutely not: 60 day running streak!

Monday Mayhem

With the heat and humidity quickly rising to practically unfathomable degrees, I knew I wanted to spend my long holiday weekend resting and not doing anything to require copious amounts of thinking. Per the usual idea. But even as I write portions of this post on a Thursday afternoon feels-like-my-Friday, I’m struggling to take my mind off the big things.

Iced coffee afficionado

You know how sometimes you can feel change is coming…there’s something in the air, the anxious way you react, or where your mind drifts no matter what you’re engrossed in? Can’t be just me! Anyway – that’s where I’m at.

Today is Day 31 of my planned May Run Streak! Seeing as my personality is either all in or not at all, I kind of feel like I should just keep running, right? 90 days sounds good. It would get me right up to August then I can reevaluate. To race or not to race. That is the question. Hmmm. I could take a short break in August, pick up training in September, then finalize a race for either Nov or Dec. Got me thinking.

Or I could streak until Jan 2022. I could. But I probably won’t.


I ask you –

Is it a full moon? Have the forces changed?

Should I keep streaking? Or train for a fall race?

Happy Memorial Day, fellow followers. Wars have been fought and won based on the sacrifice of many. Let us never forget.

Random Things, pt 11

There’s nothing easy or simple about reflecting on your past. It can be ugly back there.

new life in the neighborhood

I think back to my first marriage and how every sign pointed to a dead end street. But we blindly charged forward. We both had come from unhealthy upbringings surrounded by addiction and loss. Did I mention we were 18 & 19 yrs old? Hardly an age to be considered adults much less make such a profound choice. And we were wildly different. I was studious and practical whilst he was carefree and spontaneous. Prude meets bum. We were two kids with very opposite viewpoints on almost everything. A match made in heaven!

There’s comfort in this: “When fear knocks on the door of your life, let faith answer!”

Lately I’ve found myself connecting with much older and much younger people more than those my age. Could it be just a season of life? Maybe it’s always been this way and I didn’t notice.

Something made me think about how my addiction to coconut oil has become a habit to rub off on others. Get it, get it. Even before it was a “thing”, I was using coconut oil on my skin, face, hair, you name it. Personally I attribute my overuse of it to the reason I survived pregnancy sans stretch marks. Well, no more than I started with. Many years ago, my destroyer berthing mates knew if I had been in berthing by the smell of my lotion (pure coconut oil). I guess there could be worse smells. Now as I slather it on by the handful, even my mini gets in on the action. Like mother, like daughter. Some say it clogs your skin, etc but mine has never been healthier. Thousands of island-inhabited women can’t be wrong.

On a scale of 1 to You’re Fired, how well would it go over if every time I walked into the restroom at work, and noticed another person in the stall, I yelled “HOWDY, BATHROOM BUDDY!”? Can I tell you a secret? Anytime I go into the restroom in public and can sense (or smell) (or hear) other people being very quiet, I feel like they just want to poop in peace so I try to leave as quickly as possible. Kel, you’re so weird. Do men’s restrooms not behave this way? Why not?

my demise

Run streaking is going splendidly. The hottest run was nearly 87 degrees. My only saving grace was the incredibly strong, 20+mph winds. So instead of it feeling like a sauna, it was like a dryer! That’s always fun. I’ve managed to secure time during my lunch hour to go out to run so I consider myself very lucky. Until it gets above 88, then I’m out. Yay sunrise runs! “People make time for what’s important to them” – this is mine.


I ask you –

How many times have you been married? Bonus points if you hit your state’s limit on marriages. Texas is 5, by the way.

Do you talk to others while in the restroom?

Tell me your go-to motto!

Streaking. Again. No, not that kind.

Typical of 2020, and now 2021, to have me changing my plans every few weeks. I’m working on being flexible, spontaneous…all those things I’m really not.

Back up a little. Remember when I committed to a run streak in January? The only reason I’m not behooving you to remember when I completed the run streak in January is because the stomach bug from hell invaded my body and I have zero recollection of a few days. I ran 27 days. But who’s counting?

credit to via

Fast forward. May 1st began a new opportunity for a run streak. Since I nixed the Memorial Day runs in favor of survival (the heat could kill me), I wanted something to keep me running. Enter the run streak! 11 miles was my longest run in April so I feel confident a run streak can be progressive.

Surprisingly, not one time since January have I used a treadmill. I’m free! Yes, I’m lucky to have one but it’s such a fun sucker. Plugging away on a black belt of doom, going nowhere not even fast. Ugh. No thanks.

But if the weather becomes unmanageable, my trusty steed of running equipment will be there. Patiently waiting. Which reminds me I really gotta find that big fan. Because if anyone can have a heat stroke indoors, it would be me.


I ask you –

May goals?

Do you have indoor sporting equipment? I can see how golf wouldn’t be ideal.

Tell me your Memorial Day plans!