Random Things, pt 11

There’s nothing easy or simple about reflecting on your past. It can be ugly back there.

new life in the neighborhood

I think back to my first marriage and how every sign pointed to a dead end street. But we blindly charged forward. We both had come from unhealthy upbringings surrounded by addiction and loss. Did I mention we were 18 & 19 yrs old? Hardly an age to be considered adults much less make such a profound choice. And we were wildly different. I was studious and practical whilst he was carefree and spontaneous. Prude meets bum. We were two kids with very opposite viewpoints on almost everything. A match made in heaven!

There’s comfort in this: “When fear knocks on the door of your life, let faith answer!”

Lately I’ve found myself connecting with much older and much younger people more than those my age. Could it be just a season of life? Maybe it’s always been this way and I didn’t notice.

Something made me think about how my addiction to coconut oil has become a habit to rub off on others. Get it, get it. Even before it was a “thing”, I was using coconut oil on my skin, face, hair, you name it. Personally I attribute my overuse of it to the reason I survived pregnancy sans stretch marks. Well, no more than I started with. Many years ago, my destroyer berthing mates knew if I had been in berthing by the smell of my lotion (pure coconut oil). I guess there could be worse smells. Now as I slather it on by the handful, even my mini gets in on the action. Like mother, like daughter. Some say it clogs your skin, etc but mine has never been healthier. Thousands of island-inhabited women can’t be wrong.

On a scale of 1 to You’re Fired, how well would it go over if every time I walked into the restroom at work, and noticed another person in the stall, I yelled “HOWDY, BATHROOM BUDDY!”? Can I tell you a secret? Anytime I go into the restroom in public and can sense (or smell) (or hear) other people being very quiet, I feel like they just want to poop in peace so I try to leave as quickly as possible. Kel, you’re so weird. Do men’s restrooms not behave this way? Why not?

my demise

Run streaking is going splendidly. The hottest run was nearly 87 degrees. My only saving grace was the incredibly strong, 20+mph winds. So instead of it feeling like a sauna, it was like a dryer! That’s always fun. I’ve managed to secure time during my lunch hour to go out to run so I consider myself very lucky. Until it gets above 88, then I’m out. Yay sunrise runs! “People make time for what’s important to them” – this is mine.


I ask you –

How many times have you been married? Bonus points if you hit your state’s limit on marriages. Texas is 5, by the way.

Do you talk to others while in the restroom?

Tell me your go-to motto!

11 thoughts on “Random Things, pt 11

    1. I hate to say it – don’t shoot the messenger – but their donuts aren’t my favorite. They’re so pretty, but they just don’t taste like bits of deep-fried yumminess.

      However, I’m never going to turn down a donut!!


  1. This is my 2nd marriage. My 1st was an abusive jerk.
    My dad is on his 4th, but this one seems to have stuck.. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I tend to not talk in the bathroom, more because I can’t hear what the other person says. The echo and muffling of walls…so I usually give a polite laugh and mmhm and hope it’s a sufficient answer to whatever they said. Ha!


    1. So happy you’re in a better relationship now! I’m sorry you went through a horrible marriage.

      The polite laugh saves me every time. Except when they’re asking for toilet paper. Then I just seem rude. Oh well, I guess haha


  2. This is my 2nd marriage. My 1st was an abusive jerk.
    My dad is on his 4th, but this one seems to have stuck.. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    I tend to not talk in the bathroom, more because I can’t hear what the other person says. The echo and muffling of walls…so I usually give a polite laugh and mmhm and hope it’s a sufficient answer to whatever they said. Ha!


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